The first thing i want to say is that i’ll always be Very grateful to my son, nathan , and his lovely wife Ali for thiEir gift of thiS web site.
I’ll always be extremely grateful to my beautiful wife Ellen who has always supported and encouraged me in all my endeavors and now even more so in this
I was a carpenter most of my adult lfe, except for my service in the usmc. A morning in june of 2017 i was Reading in a national geographic and was strICkEn by the beauty of an image of “the key marco cat”. Instantly, i knew i wanted to re-create this in a wood carving, whiCh i had never done before or had even thouGht of doing.
I bUilt a sturdy wooden work table outside and started chiseling on a log about 26” long and 9” in diameter that was donated by my brother daVe and his lovely wife diane. I wOrked with what i had , which was a carpenter’s 22 oz. straight claw hammer and a beveled edge chisel. Oh yeah, and a saws all. The result was admittedly a little amatuerish, but just good enough to encourage me to pursue this and become the passion thAT it is now
I’m thankful to all of you who have supported me so far on this amazing journey, and especially nathan who has helped and taught me so much along the way